Thursday, August 11, 2011

Day 13 - Clean Bill of Health

Well, I've been to see my surgeon and my orthodontist and both have been very pleased with my progress.
The surgeon said that all of the hardware was where he'd left it (apparently, it can shift post-surgery), all of the incisions are healing up nicely and that I am am "a superstar" at keeping my mouth clean. He wants to see me again in a month. I think I will ask for copies of my xrays when I see him next because they were really something else - both the difference in the before and after and the sheer amount of hardware they've used to make the changes.
The orthodontist visit today involved changing the top wire and showing me how to change the elastics. I am truly flabbergasted at the fact that I am supposed to take the elastics off to eat (still can't chew anything, but can eat soft food that is blended enough to be considered "pre-chewed") and brush. I told the assistant and ortho that I don't know how much of that I will be doing this week since I don't feel terribly comfortable, but who knows what tomorrow will bring.
As for my general, overall feeling, I am doing well. The swelling continues to decrease (you will see a difference between the pic from two days ago and today's pic). The bruising is all but gone. Overnight last night, I got back a who whack of feeling in underside of my chin and along my jaw bone. It was so significant that I noticed it immediately upon waking up. There is still a rather large swath in the center of my chin that is numb and my lower-lip is still mostly numb, but the feeling is returning much faster than I'd have expected.
Given my improvement and the good words from the docs, the in-laws are heading home tomorrow. I understand their draw. It is tough being away from your comfort zone. We will miss them, but it won't be long before Courtney and Spencer are here visiting and school starts and my course and Isabel's dance classes start. Time will fly and, before we know it, it will be Thanksgiving. Time flies when you're having fun :)
Today's pics:

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